Prop 1 Passed: 2016 Mobility Bond

Bike Austin members, volunteers and supporters rallied for over a year to secure the biggest investment in Austin’s history for protected bike lanes, trails and sidewalks in the 2016 election.

Austin voters approved $720 million in bonds in 2016 for transportation and mobility improvements throughout the city. Through 2024, a dedicated project team of engineers, data analysts, and builders will be delivering these improvements for a more mobile and safe Austin. This team is guided by City Council’s Contract With Voters, which you can read here.

hanks to our work and the work of our partners, Austin has been investing critical life-saving infrastructure, and added protected bike lanes to some of our biggest streets, like Riverside Drive and Airport Blvd. This website is your resource for information about opportunities to get involved, to Learn more about the projects, track how your tax-payer dollars are being invested, and to stay up-to-date on the progress of this historic bond investment here.


Upgraded Bike Lanes on Congress Avenue